DIRECTIONS = { "^": 0 - 1j, # up ">": 1 + 0j, # right "v": 0 + 1j, # down "<": -1 + 0j, # left } def find_start_pos(grid): for y, row in enumerate(grid): for x, _ in enumerate(row): if grid[y][x] == "@": return complex(x, y) def get_pos(grid, pos): x, y = int(pos.real), int(pos.imag) if 0 <= x < len(grid[0]) and 0 <= y < len(grid): return grid[y][x] return None def set_pos(grid, pos, val): x, y = int(pos.real), int(pos.imag) grid[y][x] = val def debug_print(grid, move): print("Move ", move) for row in grid: print("".join(row)) def push(grid, pos, movement): direction = DIRECTIONS[movement] start_pos = pos + direction # Find the end pos of a consecutive "O" chain end_pos = start_pos while get_pos(grid, end_pos + direction) == "O": end_pos += direction if get_pos(grid, end_pos + direction) == ".": if movement == ">": start_x, end_x = int(start_pos.real), int(end_pos.real) y = int(start_pos.imag) for i in range(end_x, start_x - 1, -1): grid[y][i+1] = "O" # shift "O" to the right grid[y][start_x] = "." elif movement == "<": start_x, end_x = int(start_pos.real), int(end_pos.real) y = int(start_pos.imag) for i in range(start_x, end_x + 1): grid[y][i+1] = "O" # shift "O" to the left grid[y][start_x] = "." elif movement == "v": start_y, end_y = int(start_pos.imag), int(end_pos.imag) x = int(start_pos.real) for i in range(start_y, end_y + 1): grid[i+1][x] = "O" # shift "O" down grid[start_y][x] = "." elif movement == "^": start_y, end_y = int(start_pos.imag), int(end_pos.imag) x = int(start_pos.real) for i in range(end_y, start_y - 1, -1): grid[i+1][x] = "O" # shift "O" up grid[start_y][x] = "." def main(content): grid, movements = content.split("\n\n") grid = [list(x) for x in grid.split("\n")] movements = movements.replace("\n", "") pos = find_start_pos(grid) for movement in movements: new_pos = pos + DIRECTIONS[movement] v = get_pos(grid, new_pos) match v: case ".": set_pos(grid, pos, ".") set_pos(grid, new_pos, "@") pos = new_pos case "O": push(grid, pos, movement) if get_pos(grid, new_pos) == ".": set_pos(grid, new_pos, "@") set_pos(grid, pos, ".") pos = new_pos case "#": pass case c: raise RuntimeError("This should never happen", c) debug_print(grid, movement) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys infile = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "example.txt" with open(infile) as f: content = main(content)