using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace spnavwrapper { public sealed class SpaceNav : IDisposable { double _sensitivity = 1.0; int _threshold = 5; static SpaceNav instance; const int SPNAV_EVENT_MOTION = 1; const int SPNAV_EVENT_BUTTON = 2; const ushort SPNAV_VENDOR_ID = 0x046d; const ushort SPNAV_PRODUCT_ID = 0x0c627; const string DLL_NAME = "spnavhdi"; struct SpNavEventMotion { public int type; public int x, y, z; public int rx, ry, rz; public uint period; public IntPtr data; } struct SpNavEventButton { public int type; public int press; public int bnum; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] struct SpNavEvent { [FieldOffset(0)] public int type; [FieldOffset(0)] public SpNavEventMotion motion; [FieldOffset(0)] public SpNavEventButton button; } [DllImport(DLL_NAME)] static extern int spnav_open(ushort vendor_id, ushort product_id); [DllImport(DLL_NAME)] static extern int spnav_close(); [DllImport(DLL_NAME)] static extern int spnav_wait_event(ref SpNavEvent ev); [DllImport(DLL_NAME)] static extern int spnav_wait_event_timeout(ref SpNavEvent ev, int timeout); [DllImport(DLL_NAME)] static extern int spnav_sensitivity(double sens); [DllImport(DLL_NAME)] static extern int spnav_deadzone(int threshold); SpaceNav() { // TODO : handle retcode spnav_open(SPNAV_VENDOR_ID, SPNAV_PRODUCT_ID); } public static SpaceNav Instance { get { if (instance == null) { instance = new SpaceNav(); } return instance; } } public void CloseDevice() { spnav_close(); instance = null; } public SpaceNavEvent WaitEvent() { SpNavEvent sev = new SpNavEvent(); spnav_wait_event(ref sev); switch (sev.type) { case SPNAV_EVENT_BUTTON: return new SpaceNavButtonEvent(Convert.ToBoolean(, sev.button.bnum); case SPNAV_EVENT_MOTION: var ev = sev.motion; return new SpaceNavMotionEvent(ev.x, ev.y, ev.z, ev.rx, ev.ry, ev.rz); default: return null; } } public SpaceNavEvent WaitEvent(int milliseconds) { SpNavEvent sev = new SpNavEvent(); int ev_type = spnav_wait_event_timeout(ref sev, milliseconds); switch (ev_type) { case SPNAV_EVENT_BUTTON: return new SpaceNavButtonEvent(Convert.ToBoolean(, sev.button.bnum); case SPNAV_EVENT_MOTION: var ev = sev.motion; return new SpaceNavMotionEvent(ev.x, ev.y, ev.z, ev.rx, ev.ry, ev.rz); default: return null; } } public double Sensitivity { get { return _sensitivity; } set { // TODO : handle retcode spnav_sensitivity(value); _sensitivity = value; } } public int Threshold { get { return _threshold; } set { // TODO : handle retcode spnav_deadzone(value); _threshold = value; } } #region IDisposable Support private bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposedValue) { // Free unmanaged resources spnav_close(); disposedValue = true; } } ~SpaceNav() { // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above. Dispose(false); } // This code added to correctly implement the disposable pattern. public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } #endregion } }