from typing import List import traci from shapely.geometry import LineString from parse import * import actions import config import sys from model import Area, Vehicle, Lane , TrafficLight , Phase , Logic from traci import trafficlight def init_grid(simulation_bounds, cells_number): grid = list() width = simulation_bounds[1][0] / cells_number height = simulation_bounds[1][1] / cells_number for i in range(cells_number): for j in range(cells_number): # bounds coordinates for the area : (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) ar_bounds = ((i * width, j * height), (i * width, (j + 1) * height), ((i + 1) * width, (j + 1) * height), ((i + 1) * width, j * height)) area = Area(ar_bounds) = 'area ({},{})'.format(i, j) grid.append(area) traci.polygon.add(, ar_bounds, (0, 255, 0)) return grid def compute_vehicle_emissions(veh_id): return (traci.vehicle.getCOEmission(veh_id) +traci.vehicle.getNOxEmission(veh_id) +traci.vehicle.getHCEmission(veh_id) +traci.vehicle.getPMxEmission(veh_id) +traci.vehicle.getCO2Emission(veh_id)) def get_all_vehicles() -> List[Vehicle]: vehicles = list() for veh_id in traci.vehicle.getIDList(): veh_pos = traci.vehicle.getPosition(veh_id) vehicle = Vehicle(veh_id, veh_pos) vehicle.emissions = compute_vehicle_emissions(veh_id) vehicles.append(vehicle) return vehicles def get_all_lanes() -> List[Lane]: lanes = [] for lane_id in traci.lane.getIDList(): polygon_lane = LineString(traci.lane.getShape(lane_id)) initial_max_speed = traci.lane.getMaxSpeed(lane_id) lanes.append(Lane(lane_id, polygon_lane, initial_max_speed)) return lanes def get_emissions(grid: List[Area], vehicles: List[Vehicle]): for area in grid: for vehicle in vehicles: if vehicle.pos in area: area.emissions += vehicle.emissions if area.emissions > config.EMISSIONS_THRESHOLD and not area.locked: if config.limit_speed_mode: actions.limit_speed_into_area(area, vehicles, config.limited_speed) traci.polygon.setColor(, (255, 0, 0)) traci.polygon.setFilled(, True) if config.adjust_traffic_light_mode: actions.adjust_traffic_light_phase_duration(area, config.rf_trafficLights_duration) '''if config.remove_vehicles_mode: actions.remove_vehicles(vehicles)''' #Véhicules à mettre en donnée membre car variable def parsePhase(phase_repr): duration = search('duration: {:f}', phase_repr) minDuration = search('minDuration: {:f}', phase_repr) maxDuration = search('maxDuration: {:f}', phase_repr) phaseDef = search('phaseDef: {}\n', phase_repr) if phaseDef is None: phaseDef = '' else : phaseDef = phaseDef[0] return Phase(duration[0], minDuration[0], maxDuration[0], phaseDef) def add_data_to_areas(areas: List[Area]): lanes = get_all_lanes() for area in areas: for lane in lanes: # add lanes if area.rectangle.intersects(lane.polygon): area.add_lane(lane) for tl_id in traci.trafficlight.getIDList(): # add traffic lights if lane.lane_id in traci.trafficlight.getControlledLanes(tl_id): logics = [] for l in traci.trafficlight.getCompleteRedYellowGreenDefinition(tl_id): #add logics phases = [] for phase in traci.trafficlight.Logic.getPhases(l): #add phases to logics phases.append(parsePhase(phase.__repr__())) logics.append(Logic(l,phases)) area.add_tl(TrafficLight(tl_id,logics)) def main(): grid = list() try: traci.start(config.sumo_cmd) grid = init_grid(traci.simulation.getNetBoundary(), config.CELLS_NUMBER) add_data_to_areas(grid) step = 0 while step < config.n_steps : #traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0: traci.simulationStep() vehicles = get_all_vehicles() get_emissions(grid, vehicles) if config.weight_routing_mode: actions.adjust_edges_weights() step += 1 progress = round(step/config.n_steps*100,2) sys.stdout.write(f'Progress : {progress}%'+'\r') sys.stdout.flush() finally: traci.close(False) total_emissions = 0 for area in grid: total_emissions += area.emissions # Total of emissions of all pollutants in mg for n steps of simulation without locking areas total_emissions200 = 43970763.15084749 total_emissions300 = 87382632.08217141 print("\n**** RESULTS ****") print(f'Total emissions = {total_emissions} mg') diff_with_lock = (total_emissions200 - total_emissions) / total_emissions200 print(f'Reduction percentage of emissions = {diff_with_lock*100} %') print("**** With the configuration : ****\n" + str(config.showConfig())) if __name__ == '__main__': main()