import { Message, Update, Hello, EndGame, Symbol } from "common.js" import { WebSocket, WebSocketServer, MessageEvent } from "ws"; const port = 1234 const wss = new WebSocketServer({ port }); let grid = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] let endGame = false; console.log(`waiting for connection on ws://localhost:${port}`); interface Client { id: number, symbol: "x" | "o", ws: WebSocket } let id = 1; let spectators: WebSocket[] = []; let clients: Client[] = []; let currentPlayer: Client | undefined = undefined; function getPlayerSymbol(): Symbol { console.assert(clients.length < 2, "there should never be more than 2 clients"); if (clients.length === 0) return "o"; return clients[0].symbol === "o" ? "x" : "o"; } wss.on("connection", (ws, req) => { id += 1; if (clients.length === 2) { spectators.push(ws); const spectateData: (Symbol | undefined)[] = []; for (const playerId of grid) { if (playerId === 0) { spectateData.push(undefined); } else { const sym = clients.find(c => === playerId)!.symbol; spectateData.push(sym); } } const spectateMsg: Message = { kind: "spectate", data: { grid: spectateData } }; ws.send(JSON.stringify(spectateMsg)); const addr = req.headers["x-forwarded-for"] || req.socket.remoteAddress; console.log(`new spectator connected with address ${addr}. total spectators ${spectators.length}`); return; } const symbol = getPlayerSymbol(); const helloMsg: Message = { kind: "hello", data: { id, symbol } as Hello } clients.push({id, ws, symbol}); ws.send(JSON.stringify(helloMsg)); const addr = req.headers["x-forwarded-for"] || req.socket.remoteAddress; console.log(`player #${id} connected with address ${addr}. total clients ${clients.length}`); ws.addEventListener("message", (event: MessageEvent) => { const message = JSON.parse( as string); const {x, y} = message; const player = clients.find(x => === ws); if (!player) throw new Error("player not found"); console.log("received message", message, "player", player!.id, "currentPlayer", currentPlayer?.id); if (!currentPlayer) { currentPlayer = player; } if (endGame) { console.log("player", currentPlayer!.id, "reset the game"); // reset game state grid = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; currentPlayer = undefined; endGame = false; for (const c of clients) {{ kind: "reset" } as Message)); } } if (clients.length < 2 || != currentPlayer?.id || endGame) { return; } if (grid[y*3+x] === 0) { grid[y*3+x] =; const msg = JSON.stringify({ kind: "update", data: { last: { x, y, symbol: player.symbol } } as Update, } as Message); for (const c of clients) {; } for (const s of spectators) { s.send(msg); } const winnerId = checkWin(grid); if (winnerId == -1) { currentPlayer = clients.find(x => !== currentPlayer?.id); // change player console.assert(currentPlayer); console.log(`current player is #${currentPlayer?.id}`); } else if (winnerId == 0) { endGame = true; const msg = JSON.stringify({ kind: "endgame", data: { issue: "draw" } as EndGame } as Message); for (const c of clients) {; } for (const s of spectators) { s.send(msg); } } else { console.log(`player ${winnerId} won !`); const winner = clients.find(x => === winnerId); winner?.ws?.send(JSON.stringify({ kind: "endgame", data: { issue: "win" } as EndGame } as Message)); const loser = clients.find(x => !== winnerId); loser?.ws?.send(JSON.stringify({ kind: "endgame", data: { issue: "lose" } as EndGame } as Message)); endGame = true; } } }); ws.on("close", (code: number) => { // readyState 3 == CLOSED spectators = spectators.filter(s => s.readyState !== 3); const isClientDisconnect = clients.findIndex(c => !== 3) if (isClientDisconnect) { clients = clients.filter(x => !== 3); console.log(`player disconnected. Resetting game. Total clients ${clients.length}`); // reset game state grid = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; currentPlayer = undefined; endGame = false; for (const c of clients) {{ kind: "reset" } as Message)); } } }); }); function checkWin(grid: number[]): number { const clone = [...grid]; const grid2d = []; while(clone.length) grid2d.push(clone.splice(0,3)); if ( grid2d[0][0] !== 0 && grid2d[0][0] === grid2d[0][1] && grid2d[0][1] === grid2d[0][2] ) { return grid2d[0][0]; } if ( grid2d[1][0] !== 0 && grid2d[1][0] === grid2d[1][1] && grid2d[1][1] === grid2d[1][2] ) { return grid2d[1][0]; } if ( grid2d[2][0] !== 0 && grid2d[2][0] === grid2d[2][1] && grid2d[2][1] === grid2d[2][2] ) { return grid2d[2][0]; } if ( grid2d[0][0] !== 0 && grid2d[0][0] === grid2d[1][0] && grid2d[1][0] === grid2d[2][0] ) { return grid2d[0][0]; } if ( grid2d[0][1] !== 0 && grid2d[0][1] === grid2d[1][1] && grid2d[1][1] === grid2d[2][1] ) { return grid2d[0][1]; } if ( grid2d[0][2] !== 0 && grid2d[0][2] === grid2d[1][2] && grid2d[1][2] === grid2d[2][2] ) { return grid2d[0][2]; } if ( grid2d[0][0] !== 0 && grid2d[0][0] === grid2d[1][1] && grid2d[1][1] === grid2d[2][2] ) { return grid2d[0][0]; } if ( grid2d[0][2] !== 0 && grid2d[0][2] === grid2d[1][1] && grid2d[1][1] === grid2d[2][0] ) { return grid2d[0][2]; } for (const row of grid2d) { if (row[0] === 0 || row[1] === 0 || row[2] === 0) { return -1; } } return 0; }