mirror of https://github.com/thib8956/nginx-proxy synced 2025-02-26 18:58:15 +00:00

TESTS: refactor conftest.py

This commit is contained in:
Thomas LEVEIL 2017-02-11 00:02:42 +01:00
parent ad57c48465
commit 10cd3e5f81

View File

@ -15,11 +15,14 @@ import requests
logging.getLogger('patched DNS').setLevel(logging.INFO)
CA_ROOT_CERTIFICATE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'certs/ca-root.crt')
I_AM_RUNNING_INSIDE_A_DOCKER_CONTAINER = os.path.isfile("/.dockerenv")
docker_client = docker.from_env()
# utilities
@ -41,7 +44,6 @@ class requests_retry_on_error_502(object):
Return the nginx config file
docker_client = docker.from_env()
nginx_proxy_containers = docker_client.containers(filters={"ancestor": "jwilder/nginx-proxy:test"})
if len(nginx_proxy_containers) > 1:
pytest.failed("Too many running jwilder/nginx-proxy:test containers")
@ -101,7 +103,6 @@ def monkey_patch_urllib_dns_resolver():
def new_getaddrinfo(*args):
log.debug("resolving domain name %s" % repr(args))
if 'nginx-proxy' in args[0]:
docker_client = docker.from_env()
net_info = docker_client.containers(filters={"status": "running", "ancestor": "jwilder/nginx-proxy:test"})[0]["NetworkSettings"]["Networks"]
if "bridge" in net_info:
ip = net_info["bridge"]["IPAddress"]
@ -130,7 +131,6 @@ def restore_urllib_dns_resolver(getaddrinfo_func):
def remove_all_containers():
docker_client = docker.from_env()
for info in docker_client.containers(all=True):
if I_AM_RUNNING_INSIDE_A_DOCKER_CONTAINER and info['Id'].startswith(socket.gethostname()):
continue # pytest is running within a Docker container, so we do not want to remove that particular container
@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ def get_nginx_conf_from_container(container_id):
import tarfile
from cStringIO import StringIO
docker_client = docker.from_env()
strm, stat = docker_client.get_archive(container_id, '/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf')
with tarfile.open(fileobj=StringIO(strm.read())) as tf:
conffile = tf.extractfile('default.conf')
@ -169,10 +168,9 @@ def docker_compose_down(compose_file='docker-compose.yml'):
def wait_for_nginxproxy_to_be_ready():
If a one (and only one) container started from image jwilder/nginx-proxy:test is found,
If one (and only one) container started from image jwilder/nginx-proxy:test is found,
wait for its log to contain substring "Watching docker events"
docker_client = docker.from_env()
containers = docker_client.containers(filters={"ancestor": "jwilder/nginx-proxy:test"})
if len(containers) != 1:
@ -219,10 +217,45 @@ def check_sut_image():
Return True if jwilder/nginx-proxy:test image exists
docker_client = docker.from_env()
return any(map(lambda x: "jwilder/nginx-proxy:test" in x.get('RepoTags'), docker_client.images()))
def connect_to_network(network):
If we are running from a container, connect our container to the given network
:return: the name of the network we were connected to, or None
# figure out our container networks
my_container_info = filter(lambda x: x['Id'].startswith(socket.gethostname()), docker_client.containers())[0]
my_networks = my_container_info["NetworkSettings"]["Networks"].keys()
# make sure our container is connected to the nginx-proxy's network
if network not in my_networks:
logging.info("Connecting to docker network: %s" % network)
docker_client.connect_container_to_network(my_container_info['Id'], network)
return network
def disconnect_from_network(network=None):
If we are running from a container, disconnect our container from the given network.
:param network: name of a docker network to disconnect from
if I_AM_RUNNING_INSIDE_A_DOCKER_CONTAINER and network is not None:
# figure out our container networks
my_container_info = filter(lambda x: x['Id'].startswith(socket.gethostname()), docker_client.containers())[0]
my_networks = my_container_info["NetworkSettings"]["Networks"].keys()
# disconnect our container from the given network
if network in my_networks:
logging.info("Disconnecting from network %s" % network)
docker_client.disconnect_container_from_network(my_container_info['Id'], network)
def connect_to_nginxproxy_network():
If we are running from a container, connect our container to the first network on the nginx-proxy
@ -231,7 +264,6 @@ def connect_to_nginxproxy_network():
:return: the name of the network we were connected to, or None
docker_client = docker.from_env()
# find the jwilder/nginx-proxy:test container
nginx_proxy_containers = docker_client.containers(filters={"ancestor": "jwilder/nginx-proxy:test"})
if len(nginx_proxy_containers) > 1:
@ -242,34 +274,7 @@ def connect_to_nginxproxy_network():
# figure out the nginx-proxy container first network (we assume it has only one)
nproxy_network = nginx_proxy_containers[0]["NetworkSettings"]["Networks"].keys()[0]
# figure out our container networks
my_container_info = filter(lambda x: x['Id'].startswith(socket.gethostname()), docker_client.containers())[0]
my_networks = my_container_info["NetworkSettings"]["Networks"].keys()
# make sure our container is connected to the nginx-proxy's network
if nproxy_network not in my_networks:
logging.info("Connecting to the nginx-proxy container's network: %s" % nproxy_network)
docker_client.connect_container_to_network(my_container_info['Id'], nproxy_network)
return nproxy_network
def disconnect_from_network(network=None):
If we are running from a container, disconnect our container from the given network.
:param network: name of a docker network to disconnect from
if I_AM_RUNNING_INSIDE_A_DOCKER_CONTAINER and network is not None:
docker_client = docker.from_env()
# figure out our container networks
my_container_info = filter(lambda x: x['Id'].startswith(socket.gethostname()), docker_client.containers())[0]
my_networks = my_container_info["NetworkSettings"]["Networks"].keys()
# disconnect our container from the given network
if network in my_networks:
logging.info("Disconnecting from network %s" % network)
docker_client.disconnect_container_from_network(my_container_info['Id'], network)
return connect_to_network(nproxy_network)
@ -326,7 +331,6 @@ def nginxproxy():
# pytest hook to display additionnal stuff in test report
def pytest_runtest_logreport(report):
if report.failed:
docker_client = docker.from_env()
test_containers = docker_client.containers(all=True, filters={"ancestor": "jwilder/nginx-proxy:test"})
for container in test_containers:
report.longrepr.addsection('nginx-proxy logs', docker_client.logs(container['Id']))