mirror of https://github.com/thib8956/nginx-proxy synced 2025-02-23 01:08:13 +00:00

TESTS: replace old test suite with the new one

get rid of Bats definitively
This commit is contained in:
Thomas LEVEIL 2017-02-17 00:10:21 +01:00
parent 250a01d235
commit 6069bc53cd
95 changed files with 146 additions and 2059 deletions

View File

@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ services:
- docker
- DOCKER_VERSION=1.13.1-0~ubuntu-trusty
- DOCKER_VERSION=1.13.1-0~ubuntu-trusty
- TEST_TARGET: test-debian
- TEST_TARGET: test-alpine
# list docker-engine versions
@ -14,22 +17,8 @@ before_install:
- sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install -y --force-yes docker-engine=${DOCKER_VERSION}
- docker version
- docker info
# install bats
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:duggan/bats --yes
- sudo apt-get update -qq
- sudo apt-get install -qq bats
# prepare docker images
# prepare docker test requirements
- make update-dependencies
- env: TEST_ID=test-debian
- env: TEST_ID=test-alpine
- env: TEST_ID=test2-debian
- env: TEST_ID=test2-alpine
- env: TEST_ID=test2-debian
- env: TEST_ID=test2-alpine
- make $TEST_ID

View File

@ -1,27 +1,16 @@
.PHONY : test test2
.PHONY : test-debian test-alpine test
docker pull jwilder/docker-gen:0.7.3
docker pull nginx:1.11.9
docker pull nginx:1.11.9-alpine
docker pull python:3
docker pull rancher/socat-docker:latest
docker pull appropriate/curl:latest
docker pull docker:1.10
docker build -t jwilder/nginx-proxy:bats .
bats test
test-debian: update-dependencies
docker build -t jwilder/nginx-proxy:test .
docker build -f Dockerfile.alpine -t jwilder/nginx-proxy:bats .
bats test
test-alpine: update-dependencies
docker build -f Dockerfile.alpine -t jwilder/nginx-proxy:test .
test: test-debian test-alpine
$(MAKE) -C test2 test-debian
$(MAKE) -C test2 test-alpine

View File

@ -325,6 +325,22 @@ Before submitting pull requests or issues, please check github to make sure an e
#### Running Tests Locally
To run tests, you'll need to install [bats 0.4.0](https://github.com/sstephenson/bats).
To run tests, you need to prepare the docker image to test which must be tagged `jwilder/nginx-proxy:test`:
docker build -t jwilder/nginx-proxy:test . # build the Debian variant image
and call the [test/pytest.sh](test/pytest.sh) script.
Then build the Alpine variant of the image:
docker build -f Dockerfile.alpine -t jwilder/nginx-proxy:test . # build the Alpline variant image
and call the [test/pytest.sh](test/pytest.sh) script again.
If your system has the `make` command, you can automate those tasks by calling:
make test
You can learn more about how the test suite works and how to write new tests in the [test/README.md](test/README.md) file.

View File

@ -1,14 +1,107 @@
Test suite
This test suite is implemented on top of the [Bats](https://github.com/sstephenson/bats/blob/master/README.md) test framework.
It is intended to verify the correct behavior of the Docker image `jwilder/nginx-proxy:bats`.
Running the test suite
Make sure you have Bats installed, then run:
docker build -t jwilder/nginx-proxy:bats .
bats test/
Nginx proxy test suite
Install requirements
You need [python 2.7](https://www.python.org/) and [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/) installed. Then run the commands:
pip install -r requirements/python-requirements.txt
If you can't install those requirements on your computer, you can alternatively use the _pytest.sh_ script which will run the tests from a Docker container which has those requirements.
Prepare the nginx-proxy test image
docker build -t jwilder/nginx-proxy:test ..
or if you want to test the alpine flavor:
docker build -t jwilder/nginx-proxy:test -f Dockerfile.alpine ..
make sure to tag that test image exactly `jwilder/nginx-proxy:test` or the test suite won't work.
Run the test suite
need more verbosity ?
pytest -s
Run one single test module
pytest test_nominal.py
Write a test module
This test suite uses [pytest](http://doc.pytest.org/en/latest/). The [conftest.py](conftest.py) file will be automatically loaded by pytest and will provide you with two useful pytest [fixtures](http://doc.pytest.org/en/latest/fixture.html#fixture):
- docker_compose
- nginxproxy
### docker_compose fixture
When using the `docker_compose` fixture in a test, pytest will try to find a yml file named after your test module filename. For instance, if your test module is `test_example.py`, then the `docker_compose` fixture will try to load a `test_example.yml` [docker compose file](https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/).
Once the docker compose file found, the fixture will remove all containers, run `docker-compose up`, and finally your test will be executed.
The fixture will run the _docker-compose_ command with the `-f` option to load the given compose file. So you can test your docker compose file syntax by running it yourself with:
docker-compose -f test_example.yml up -d
In the case you are running pytest from within a docker container, the `docker_compose` fixture will make sure the container running pytest is attached to all docker networks. That way, your test will be able to reach any of them.
In your tests, you can use the `docker_compose` variable to query and command the docker daemon as it provides you with a [client from the docker python module](https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/2.0.2/client.html#client-reference).
Also this fixture alters the way the python interpreter resolves domain names to IP addresses in the following ways:
Any domain name containing the substring `nginx-proxy` will resolve to the IP address of the container that was created from the `jwilder/nginx-proxy:test` image. So all the following domain names will resolve to the nginx-proxy container in tests:
- `nginx-proxy`
- `nginx-proxy.com`
- `www.nginx-proxy.com`
- `www.nginx-proxy.test`
- `www.nginx-proxy`
- `whatever.nginx-proxyooooooo`
- ...
Any domain name ending with `XXX.container.docker` will resolve to the IP address of the XXX container.
- `web1.container.docker` will resolve to the IP address of the `web1` container
- `f00.web1.container.docker` will resolve to the IP address of the `web1` container
- `anything.whatever.web2.container.docker` will resolve to the IP address of the `web2` container
Otherwise, domain names are resoved as usual using your system DNS resolver.
### nginxproxy fixture
The `nginxproxy` fixture will provide you with a replacement for the python [requests](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests/) module. This replacement will just repeat up to 30 times a requests if it receives the HTTP error 404 or 502. This error occurs when you try to send queries to nginx-proxy too early after the container creation.
Also this requests replacement is preconfigured to use the Certificate Authority root certificate [certs/ca-root.crt](certs/) to validate https connections.
Furthermore, the nginxproxy methods accept an additional keyword parameter: `ipv6` which forces requests made against containers to use the containers IPv6 address when set to `True`. If IPv6 is not supported by the system or docker, that particular test will be skipped.
def test_forwards_to_web1_ipv6(docker_compose, nginxproxy):
r = nginxproxy.get("http://web1.nginx-proxy.tld/port", ipv6=True)
assert r.status_code == 200
assert r.text == "answer from port 81\n"
### The web docker image
When you ran the `requirements/build.sh` script earlier, you built a [`web`](requirements/README.md) docker image which is convenient for running a small web server in a container. This image can produce containers that listens on multiple ports at the same time.
### Testing TLS
If you need to create server certificates, use the [`certs/create_server_certificate.sh`](certs/) script. Pytest will be able to validate any certificate issued from this script.

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bats
load test_helpers
function setup {
# make sure to stop any web container before each test so we don't
# have any unexpected contaiener running with VIRTUAL_HOST or VIRUTAL_PORT set
stop_bats_containers web
@test "[$TEST_FILE] DEFAULT_HOST=web1.bats" {
# GIVEN a webserver with VIRTUAL_HOST set to web.bats
prepare_web_container bats-web 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web.bats
# WHEN nginx-proxy runs with DEFAULT_HOST set to web.bats
run nginxproxy $SUT_CONTAINER -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro -e DEFAULT_HOST=web.bats
docker_wait_for_log $SUT_CONTAINER 9 "Watching docker events"
# THEN querying the proxy without Host header → 200
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER / --head
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r'
# THEN querying the proxy with any other Host header → 200
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: something.I.just.made.up"
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r'
@test "[$TEST_FILE] stop all bats containers" {

View File

@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bats
load test_helpers
@test "[$TEST_FILE] start 2 web containers" {
prepare_web_container bats-web1 81 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web1.bats
prepare_web_container bats-web2 82 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web2.bats
@test "[$TEST_FILE] -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro" {
# WHEN nginx-proxy runs on our docker host using the default unix socket
run nginxproxy $SUT_CONTAINER -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro
docker_wait_for_log $SUT_CONTAINER 9 "Watching docker events"
assert_nginxproxy_behaves $SUT_CONTAINER
@test "[$TEST_FILE] -v /var/run/docker.sock:/f00.sock:ro -e DOCKER_HOST=unix:///f00.sock" {
# WHEN nginx-proxy runs on our docker host using a custom unix socket
run nginxproxy $SUT_CONTAINER -v /var/run/docker.sock:/f00.sock:ro -e DOCKER_HOST=unix:///f00.sock
docker_wait_for_log $SUT_CONTAINER 9 "Watching docker events"
assert_nginxproxy_behaves $SUT_CONTAINER
@test "[$TEST_FILE] -e DOCKER_HOST=tcp://..." {
# GIVEN a container exposing our docker host over TCP
run docker_tcp bats-docker-tcp
sleep 1s
# WHEN nginx-proxy runs on our docker host using tcp to connect to our docker host
run nginxproxy $SUT_CONTAINER -e DOCKER_HOST="tcp://bats-docker-tcp:2375" --link bats-docker-tcp:bats-docker-tcp
docker_wait_for_log $SUT_CONTAINER 9 "Watching docker events"
assert_nginxproxy_behaves $SUT_CONTAINER
@test "[$TEST_FILE] separated containers (nginx + docker-gen + nginx.tmpl)" {
docker_clean bats-nginx
docker_clean bats-docker-gen
# GIVEN a simple nginx container
run docker run -d \
--label bats-type="nginx" \
--name bats-nginx \
-v /etc/nginx/conf.d/ \
-v /etc/nginx/certs/ \
run retry 5 1s docker run --label bats-type="curl" appropriate/curl --silent --fail --head http://$(docker_ip bats-nginx)/
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r'
# WHEN docker-gen runs on our docker host
run docker run -d \
--label bats-type="docker-gen" \
--name bats-docker-gen \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro \
-v $BATS_TEST_DIRNAME/../nginx.tmpl:/etc/docker-gen/templates/nginx.tmpl:ro \
--volumes-from bats-nginx \
--expose 80 \
jwilder/docker-gen:0.7.3 \
-notify-sighup bats-nginx \
-watch \
-only-exposed \
/etc/docker-gen/templates/nginx.tmpl \
docker_wait_for_log bats-docker-gen 9 "Watching docker events"
# Give some time to the docker-gen container to notify bats-nginx so it
# reloads its config
sleep 2s
run docker_running_state bats-nginx
assert_output "true" || {
docker logs bats-docker-gen
} >&2
assert_nginxproxy_behaves bats-nginx
@test "[$TEST_FILE] stop all bats containers" {
# $1 nginx-proxy container
function assert_nginxproxy_behaves {
local -r container=$1
# Querying the proxy without Host header → 503
run curl_container $container / --head
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable\r'
# Querying the proxy with Host header → 200
run curl_container $container /port --header "Host: web1.bats"
assert_output "answer from port 81"
run curl_container $container /port --header "Host: web2.bats"
assert_output "answer from port 82"
# Querying the proxy with unknown Host header → 503
run curl_container $container /port --header "Host: webFOO.bats" --head
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable\r'

View File

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bats
load test_helpers
function setup {
# make sure to stop any web container before each test so we don't
# have any unexpected container running with VIRTUAL_HOST or VIRUTAL_PORT set
stop_bats_containers web
@test "[$TEST_FILE] start a nginx-proxy container" {
run nginxproxy $SUT_CONTAINER -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro
docker_wait_for_log $SUT_CONTAINER 9 "Watching docker events"
@test "[$TEST_FILE] nginx-proxy passes arbitrary header" {
prepare_web_container bats-host-1 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-host-1
sleep 1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER /headers -H "Foo: Bar" -H "Host: web.bats"
assert_output -l 'Foo: Bar'
##### Testing the handling of X-Forwarded-For #####
@test "[$TEST_FILE] nginx-proxy generates X-Forwarded-For" {
prepare_web_container bats-host-2 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-host-2
sleep 1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER /headers -H "Host: web.bats"
assert_output -p 'X-Forwarded-For:'
@test "[$TEST_FILE] nginx-proxy passes X-Forwarded-For" {
prepare_web_container bats-host-3 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-host-3
sleep 1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER /headers -H "X-Forwarded-For:" -H "Host: web.bats"
assert_output -p 'X-Forwarded-For:, '
##### Testing the handling of X-Forwarded-Proto #####
@test "[$TEST_FILE] nginx-proxy generates X-Forwarded-Proto" {
prepare_web_container bats-host-4 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-host-4
sleep 1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER /headers -H "Host: web.bats"
assert_output -l 'X-Forwarded-Proto: http'
@test "[$TEST_FILE] nginx-proxy passes X-Forwarded-Proto" {
prepare_web_container bats-host-5 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-host-5
sleep 1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER /headers -H "X-Forwarded-Proto: https" -H "Host: web.bats"
assert_output -l 'X-Forwarded-Proto: https'
##### Testing the handling of X-Forwarded-Port #####
@test "[$TEST_FILE] nginx-proxy generates X-Forwarded-Port" {
prepare_web_container bats-host-6 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-host-6
sleep 1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER /headers -H "Host: web.bats"
assert_output -l 'X-Forwarded-Port: 80'
@test "[$TEST_FILE] nginx-proxy passes X-Forwarded-Port" {
prepare_web_container bats-host-7 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-host-7
sleep 1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER /headers -H "X-Forwarded-Port: 1234" -H "Host: web.bats"
assert_output -l 'X-Forwarded-Port: 1234'
##### Other headers
@test "[$TEST_FILE] nginx-proxy generates X-Real-IP" {
prepare_web_container bats-host-8 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-host-8
sleep 1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER /headers -H "Host: web.bats"
assert_output -p 'X-Real-IP: '
@test "[$TEST_FILE] nginx-proxy passes Host" {
prepare_web_container bats-host-9 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-host-9
sleep 1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER /headers -H "Host: web.bats"
assert_output -l 'Host: web.bats'
@test "[$TEST_FILE] nginx-proxy supresses Proxy for httpoxy protection" {
prepare_web_container bats-host-10 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-host-10
sleep 1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER /headers -H "Proxy: tcp://foo.com" -H "Host: web.bats"
refute_output -l 'Proxy: tcp://foo.com'
@test "[$TEST_FILE] stop all bats containers" {

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
bats lib
found on https://github.com/sstephenson/bats/pull/110
When that pull request will be merged, the `test/lib/bats` won't be necessary anymore.

View File

@ -1,596 +0,0 @@
# batslib.bash
# ------------
# The Standard Library is a collection of test helpers intended to
# simplify testing. It contains the following types of test helpers.
# - Assertions are functions that perform a test and output relevant
# information on failure to help debugging. They return 1 on failure
# and 0 otherwise.
# All output is formatted for readability using the functions of
# `output.bash' and sent to the standard error.
source "${BATS_LIB}/batslib/output.bash"
# Fail and display a message. When no parameters are specified, the
# message is read from the standard input. Other functions use this to
# report failure.
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $@ - [=STDIN] message
# Returns:
# 1 - always
# Inputs:
# STDIN - [=$@] message
# Outputs:
# STDERR - message
fail() {
(( $# == 0 )) && batslib_err || batslib_err "$@"
return 1
# Fail and display details if the expression evaluates to false. Details
# include the expression, `$status' and `$output'.
# NOTE: The expression must be a simple command. Compound commands, such
# as `[[', can be used only when executed with `bash -c'.
# Globals:
# status
# output
# Arguments:
# $1 - expression
# Returns:
# 0 - expression evaluates to TRUE
# 1 - otherwise
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
assert() {
if ! "$@"; then
{ local -ar single=(
'expression' "$*"
'status' "$status"
local -ar may_be_multi=(
'output' "$output"
local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width \
"${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )"
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}"
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}"
} | batslib_decorate 'assertion failed' \
| fail
# Fail and display details if the expected and actual values do not
# equal. Details include both values.
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $1 - actual value
# $2 - expected value
# Returns:
# 0 - values equal
# 1 - otherwise
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
assert_equal() {
if [[ $1 != "$2" ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 8 \
'expected' "$2" \
'actual' "$1" \
| batslib_decorate 'values do not equal' \
| fail
# Fail and display details if `$status' is not 0. Details include
# `$status' and `$output'.
# Globals:
# status
# output
# Arguments:
# none
# Returns:
# 0 - `$status' is 0
# 1 - otherwise
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
assert_success() {
if (( status != 0 )); then
{ local -ir width=6
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" 'status' "$status"
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" 'output' "$output"
} | batslib_decorate 'command failed' \
| fail
# Fail and display details if `$status' is 0. Details include `$output'.
# Optionally, when the expected status is specified, fail when it does
# not equal `$status'. In this case, details include the expected and
# actual status, and `$output'.
# Globals:
# status
# output
# Arguments:
# $1 - [opt] expected status
# Returns:
# 0 - `$status' is not 0, or
# `$status' equals the expected status
# 1 - otherwise
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
assert_failure() {
(( $# > 0 )) && local -r expected="$1"
if (( status == 0 )); then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 6 'output' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'command succeeded, but it was expected to fail' \
| fail
elif (( $# > 0 )) && (( status != expected )); then
{ local -ir width=8
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" \
'expected' "$expected" \
'actual' "$status"
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" \
'output' "$output"
} | batslib_decorate 'command failed as expected, but status differs' \
| fail
# Fail and display details if the expected does not match the actual
# output or a fragment of it.
# By default, the entire output is matched. The assertion fails if the
# expected output does not equal `$output'. Details include both values.
# When `-l <index>' is used, only the <index>-th line is matched. The
# assertion fails if the expected line does not equal
# `${lines[<index>}'. Details include the compared lines and <index>.
# When `-l' is used without the <index> argument, the output is searched
# for the expected line. The expected line is matched against each line
# in `${lines[@]}'. If no match is found the assertion fails. Details
# include the expected line and `$output'.
# By default, literal matching is performed. Options `-p' and `-r'
# enable partial (i.e. substring) and extended regular expression
# matching, respectively. Specifying an invalid extended regular
# expression with `-r' displays an error.
# Options `-p' and `-r' are mutually exclusive. When used
# simultaneously, an error is displayed.
# Globals:
# output
# lines
# Options:
# -l <index> - match against the <index>-th element of `${lines[@]}'
# -l - search `${lines[@]}' for the expected line
# -p - partial matching
# -r - extended regular expression matching
# Arguments:
# $1 - expected output
# Returns:
# 0 - expected matches the actual output
# 1 - otherwise
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
# error message, on error
assert_output() {
local -i is_match_line=0
local -i is_match_contained=0
local -i is_mode_partial=0
local -i is_mode_regex=0
# Handle options.
while (( $# > 0 )); do
case "$1" in
if (( $# > 2 )) && [[ $2 =~ ^([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)$ ]]; then
local -ri idx="$2"
-p) is_mode_partial=1; shift ;;
-r) is_mode_regex=1; shift ;;
--) break ;;
*) break ;;
if (( is_match_line )) && (( is_match_contained )); then
echo "\`-l' and \`-l <index>' are mutually exclusive" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: assert_output' \
| fail
return $?
if (( is_mode_partial )) && (( is_mode_regex )); then
echo "\`-p' and \`-r' are mutually exclusive" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: assert_output' \
| fail
return $?
# Arguments.
local -r expected="$1"
if (( is_mode_regex == 1 )) && [[ '' =~ $expected ]] || (( $? == 2 )); then
echo "Invalid extended regular expression: \`$expected'" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: assert_output' \
| fail
return $?
# Matching.
if (( is_match_contained )); then
# Line contained in output.
if (( is_mode_regex )); then
local -i idx
for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do
[[ ${lines[$idx]} =~ $expected ]] && return 0
{ local -ar single=(
'regex' "$expected"
local -ar may_be_multi=(
'output' "$output"
local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width \
"${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )"
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}"
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}"
} | batslib_decorate 'no output line matches regular expression' \
| fail
elif (( is_mode_partial )); then
local -i idx
for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do
[[ ${lines[$idx]} == *"$expected"* ]] && return 0
{ local -ar single=(
'substring' "$expected"
local -ar may_be_multi=(
'output' "$output"
local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width \
"${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )"
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}"
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}"
} | batslib_decorate 'no output line contains substring' \
| fail
local -i idx
for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do
[[ ${lines[$idx]} == "$expected" ]] && return 0
{ local -ar single=(
'line' "$expected"
local -ar may_be_multi=(
'output' "$output"
local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width \
"${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )"
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}"
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}"
} | batslib_decorate 'output does not contain line' \
| fail
elif (( is_match_line )); then
# Specific line.
if (( is_mode_regex )); then
if ! [[ ${lines[$idx]} =~ $expected ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single 5 \
'index' "$idx" \
'regex' "$expected" \
'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \
| batslib_decorate 'regular expression does not match line' \
| fail
elif (( is_mode_partial )); then
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} != *"$expected"* ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single 9 \
'index' "$idx" \
'substring' "$expected" \
'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \
| batslib_decorate 'line does not contain substring' \
| fail
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} != "$expected" ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single 8 \
'index' "$idx" \
'expected' "$expected" \
'actual' "${lines[$idx]}" \
| batslib_decorate 'line differs' \
| fail
# Entire output.
if (( is_mode_regex )); then
if ! [[ $output =~ $expected ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 6 \
'regex' "$expected" \
'output' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'regular expression does not match output' \
| fail
elif (( is_mode_partial )); then
if [[ $output != *"$expected"* ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 9 \
'substring' "$expected" \
'output' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'output does not contain substring' \
| fail
if [[ $output != "$expected" ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 8 \
'expected' "$expected" \
'actual' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'output differs' \
| fail
# Fail and display details if the unexpected matches the actual output
# or a fragment of it.
# By default, the entire output is matched. The assertion fails if the
# unexpected output equals `$output'. Details include `$output'.
# When `-l <index>' is used, only the <index>-th line is matched. The
# assertion fails if the unexpected line equals `${lines[<index>}'.
# Details include the compared line and <index>.
# When `-l' is used without the <index> argument, the output is searched
# for the unexpected line. The unexpected line is matched against each
# line in `${lines[<index>]}'. If a match is found the assertion fails.
# Details include the unexpected line, the index where it was found and
# `$output' (with the unexpected line highlighted in it if `$output` is
# longer than one line).
# By default, literal matching is performed. Options `-p' and `-r'
# enable partial (i.e. substring) and extended regular expression
# matching, respectively. On failure, the substring or the regular
# expression is added to the details (if not already displayed).
# Specifying an invalid extended regular expression with `-r' displays
# an error.
# Options `-p' and `-r' are mutually exclusive. When used
# simultaneously, an error is displayed.
# Globals:
# output
# lines
# Options:
# -l <index> - match against the <index>-th element of `${lines[@]}'
# -l - search `${lines[@]}' for the unexpected line
# -p - partial matching
# -r - extended regular expression matching
# Arguments:
# $1 - unexpected output
# Returns:
# 0 - unexpected matches the actual output
# 1 - otherwise
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
# error message, on error
refute_output() {
local -i is_match_line=0
local -i is_match_contained=0
local -i is_mode_partial=0
local -i is_mode_regex=0
# Handle options.
while (( $# > 0 )); do
case "$1" in
if (( $# > 2 )) && [[ $2 =~ ^([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)$ ]]; then
local -ri idx="$2"
-L) is_match_contained=1; shift ;;
-p) is_mode_partial=1; shift ;;
-r) is_mode_regex=1; shift ;;
--) break ;;
*) break ;;
if (( is_match_line )) && (( is_match_contained )); then
echo "\`-l' and \`-l <index>' are mutually exclusive" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: refute_output' \
| fail
return $?
if (( is_mode_partial )) && (( is_mode_regex )); then
echo "\`-p' and \`-r' are mutually exclusive" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: refute_output' \
| fail
return $?
# Arguments.
local -r unexpected="$1"
if (( is_mode_regex == 1 )) && [[ '' =~ $unexpected ]] || (( $? == 2 )); then
echo "Invalid extended regular expression: \`$unexpected'" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: refute_output' \
| fail
return $?
# Matching.
if (( is_match_contained )); then
# Line contained in output.
if (( is_mode_regex )); then
local -i idx
for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} =~ $unexpected ]]; then
{ local -ar single=(
'regex' "$unexpected"
'index' "$idx"
local -a may_be_multi=(
'output' "$output"
local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width \
"${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )"
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}"
if batslib_is_single_line "${may_be_multi[1]}"; then
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}"
may_be_multi[1]="$( printf '%s' "${may_be_multi[1]}" \
| batslib_prefix \
| batslib_mark '>' "$idx" )"
batslib_print_kv_multi "${may_be_multi[@]}"
} | batslib_decorate 'no line should match the regular expression' \
| fail
return $?
elif (( is_mode_partial )); then
local -i idx
for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} == *"$unexpected"* ]]; then
{ local -ar single=(
'substring' "$unexpected"
'index' "$idx"
local -a may_be_multi=(
'output' "$output"
local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width \
"${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )"
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}"
if batslib_is_single_line "${may_be_multi[1]}"; then
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}"
may_be_multi[1]="$( printf '%s' "${may_be_multi[1]}" \
| batslib_prefix \
| batslib_mark '>' "$idx" )"
batslib_print_kv_multi "${may_be_multi[@]}"
} | batslib_decorate 'no line should contain substring' \
| fail
return $?
local -i idx
for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} == "$unexpected" ]]; then
{ local -ar single=(
'line' "$unexpected"
'index' "$idx"
local -a may_be_multi=(
'output' "$output"
local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width \
"${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )"
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}"
if batslib_is_single_line "${may_be_multi[1]}"; then
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}"
may_be_multi[1]="$( printf '%s' "${may_be_multi[1]}" \
| batslib_prefix \
| batslib_mark '>' "$idx" )"
batslib_print_kv_multi "${may_be_multi[@]}"
} | batslib_decorate 'line should not be in output' \
| fail
return $?
elif (( is_match_line )); then
# Specific line.
if (( is_mode_regex )); then
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} =~ $unexpected ]] || (( $? == 0 )); then
batslib_print_kv_single 5 \
'index' "$idx" \
'regex' "$unexpected" \
'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \
| batslib_decorate 'regular expression should not match line' \
| fail
elif (( is_mode_partial )); then
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} == *"$unexpected"* ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single 9 \
'index' "$idx" \
'substring' "$unexpected" \
'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \
| batslib_decorate 'line should not contain substring' \
| fail
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} == "$unexpected" ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single 5 \
'index' "$idx" \
'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \
| batslib_decorate 'line should differ' \
| fail
# Entire output.
if (( is_mode_regex )); then
if [[ $output =~ $unexpected ]] || (( $? == 0 )); then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 6 \
'regex' "$unexpected" \
'output' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'regular expression should not match output' \
| fail
elif (( is_mode_partial )); then
if [[ $output == *"$unexpected"* ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 9 \
'substring' "$unexpected" \
'output' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'output should not contain substring' \
| fail
if [[ $output == "$unexpected" ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 6 \
'output' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'output equals, but it was expected to differ' \
| fail

View File

@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
# output.bash
# -----------
# Private functions implementing output formatting. Used by public
# helper functions.
# Print a message to the standard error. When no parameters are
# specified, the message is read from the standard input.
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $@ - [=STDIN] message
# Returns:
# none
# Inputs:
# STDIN - [=$@] message
# Outputs:
# STDERR - message
batslib_err() {
{ if (( $# > 0 )); then
echo "$@"
cat -
} >&2
# Count the number of lines in the given string.
# TODO(ztombol): Fix tests and remove this note after #93 is resolved!
# NOTE: Due to a bug in Bats, `batslib_count_lines "$output"' does not
# give the same result as `${#lines[@]}' when the output contains
# empty lines.
# See PR #93 (https://github.com/sstephenson/bats/pull/93).
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $1 - string
# Returns:
# none
# Outputs:
# STDOUT - number of lines
batslib_count_lines() {
local -i n_lines=0
local line
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]; do
(( ++n_lines ))
done < <(printf '%s' "$1")
echo "$n_lines"
# Determine whether all strings are single-line.
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $@ - strings
# Returns:
# 0 - all strings are single-line
# 1 - otherwise
batslib_is_single_line() {
for string in "$@"; do
(( $(batslib_count_lines "$string") > 1 )) && return 1
return 0
# Determine the length of the longest key that has a single-line value.
# This function is useful in determining the correct width of the key
# column in two-column format when some keys may have multi-line values
# and thus should be excluded.
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $odd - key
# $even - value of the previous key
# Returns:
# none
# Outputs:
# STDOUT - length of longest key
batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width() {
local -i max_len=-1
while (( $# != 0 )); do
local -i key_len="${#1}"
batslib_is_single_line "$2" && (( key_len > max_len )) && max_len="$key_len"
shift 2
echo "$max_len"
# Print key-value pairs in two-column format.
# Keys are displayed in the first column, and their corresponding values
# in the second. To evenly line up values, the key column is fixed-width
# and its width is specified with the first parameter (possibly computed
# using `batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width').
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $1 - width of key column
# $even - key
# $odd - value of the previous key
# Returns:
# none
# Outputs:
# STDOUT - formatted key-value pairs
batslib_print_kv_single() {
local -ir col_width="$1"; shift
while (( $# != 0 )); do
printf '%-*s : %s\n' "$col_width" "$1" "$2"
shift 2
# Print key-value pairs in multi-line format.
# The key is displayed first with the number of lines of its
# corresponding value in parenthesis. Next, starting on the next line,
# the value is displayed. For better readability, it is recommended to
# indent values using `batslib_prefix'.
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $odd - key
# $even - value of the previous key
# Returns:
# none
# Outputs:
# STDOUT - formatted key-value pairs
batslib_print_kv_multi() {
while (( $# != 0 )); do
printf '%s (%d lines):\n' "$1" "$( batslib_count_lines "$2" )"
printf '%s\n' "$2"
shift 2
# Print all key-value pairs in either two-column or multi-line format
# depending on whether all values are single-line.
# If all values are single-line, print all pairs in two-column format
# with the specified key column width (identical to using
# `batslib_print_kv_single').
# Otherwise, print all pairs in multi-line format after indenting values
# with two spaces for readability (identical to using `batslib_prefix'
# and `batslib_print_kv_multi')
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $1 - width of key column (for two-column format)
# $even - key
# $odd - value of the previous key
# Returns:
# none
# Outputs:
# STDOUT - formatted key-value pairs
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi() {
local -ir width="$1"; shift
local -a pairs=( "$@" )
local -a values=()
local -i i
for (( i=1; i < ${#pairs[@]}; i+=2 )); do
values+=( "${pairs[$i]}" )
if batslib_is_single_line "${values[@]}"; then
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${pairs[@]}"
local -i i
for (( i=1; i < ${#pairs[@]}; i+=2 )); do
pairs[$i]="$( batslib_prefix < <(printf '%s' "${pairs[$i]}") )"
batslib_print_kv_multi "${pairs[@]}"
# Prefix each line read from the standard input with the given string.
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $1 - [= ] prefix string
# Returns:
# none
# Inputs:
# STDIN - lines
# Outputs:
# STDOUT - prefixed lines
batslib_prefix() {
local -r prefix="${1:- }"
local line
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]; do
printf '%s%s\n' "$prefix" "$line"
# Mark select lines of the text read from the standard input by
# overwriting their beginning with the given string.
# Usually the input is indented by a few spaces using `batslib_prefix'
# first.
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $1 - marking string
# $@ - indices (zero-based) of lines to mark
# Returns:
# none
# Inputs:
# STDIN - lines
# Outputs:
# STDOUT - lines after marking
batslib_mark() {
local -r symbol="$1"; shift
# Sort line numbers.
set -- $( sort -nu <<< "$( printf '%d\n' "$@" )" )
local line
local -i idx=0
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]; do
if (( ${1:--1} == idx )); then
printf '%s\n' "${symbol}${line:${#symbol}}"
printf '%s\n' "$line"
(( ++idx ))
# Enclose the input text in header and footer lines.
# The header contains the given string as title. The output is preceded
# and followed by an additional newline to make it stand out more.
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $1 - title
# Returns:
# none
# Inputs:
# STDIN - text
# Outputs:
# STDOUT - decorated text
batslib_decorate() {
echo "-- $1 --"
cat -
echo '--'

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
## functions to help deal with docker
# Removes container $1
function docker_clean {
docker kill $1 &>/dev/null ||:
sleep .25s
docker rm -vf $1 &>/dev/null ||:
sleep .25s
# get the ip of docker container $1
function docker_ip {
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $1
# get the ip of docker container $1
function docker_id {
docker inspect --format '{{ .ID }}' $1
# get the running state of container $1
# → true/false
# fails if the container does not exist
function docker_running_state {
docker inspect -f {{.State.Running}} $1
# get the docker container $1 PID
function docker_pid {
docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} $1
# asserts logs from container $1 contains $2
function docker_assert_log {
local -r container=$1
run docker logs $container
assert_output -p "$*"
# wait for a container to produce a given text in its log
# $1 container
# $2 timeout in second
# $* text to wait for
function docker_wait_for_log {
local -r container=$1
local -ir timeout_sec=$2
shift 2
retry $(( $timeout_sec * 2 )) .5s docker_assert_log $container "$*"
# Create a docker container named $1 which exposes the docker host unix
# socket over tcp on port 2375.
# $1 container name
function docker_tcp {
local container_name="$1"
docker_clean $container_name
docker run -d \
--label bats-type="socat" \
--name $container_name \
--expose 2375 \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
docker run --label bats-type="docker" --link "$container_name:docker" docker:1.10 version

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
## add the retry function to bats
# Retry a command $1 times until it succeeds. Wait $2 seconds between retries.
function retry {
local attempts=$1
local delay=$1
local i
for ((i=0; i < attempts; i++)); do
run "$@"
if [ "$status" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$output"
return 0
sleep $delay
echo "Command \"$@\" failed $attempts times. Status: $status. Output: $output" >&2

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bats
load test_helpers
function setup {
# make sure to stop any web container before each test so we don't
# have any unexpected contaiener running with VIRTUAL_HOST or VIRUTAL_PORT set
stop_bats_containers web
@test "[$TEST_FILE] start a nginx-proxy container" {
run nginxproxy $SUT_CONTAINER -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro
docker_wait_for_log $SUT_CONTAINER 9 "Watching docker events"
@test "[$TEST_FILE] nginx-proxy forwards requests for 2 hosts" {
# WHEN a container runs a web server with VIRTUAL_HOST set for multiple hosts
prepare_web_container bats-multiple-hosts-1 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=multiple-hosts-1-A.bats,multiple-hosts-1-B.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-multiple-hosts-1
sleep 1
# THEN querying the proxy without Host header → 503
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER / --head
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable\r'
# THEN querying the proxy with unknown Host header → 503
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER /port --header "Host: webFOO.bats" --head
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable\r'
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER /port --header 'Host: multiple-hosts-1-A.bats'
assert_output "answer from port 80"
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER /port --header 'Host: multiple-hosts-1-B.bats'
assert_output "answer from port 80"
@test "[$TEST_FILE] stop all bats containers" {

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bats
load test_helpers
function setup {
# make sure to stop any web container before each test so we don't
# have any unexpected contaiener running with VIRTUAL_HOST or VIRUTAL_PORT set
stop_bats_containers web
@test "[$TEST_FILE] start a nginx-proxy container" {
# GIVEN nginx-proxy
run nginxproxy $SUT_CONTAINER -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro
docker_wait_for_log $SUT_CONTAINER 9 "Watching docker events"
@test "[$TEST_FILE] nginx-proxy defaults to the service running on port 80" {
prepare_web_container bats-web-${TEST_FILE}-1 "80 90" -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-web-${TEST_FILE}-1
sleep 1
assert_response_is_from_port 80
@test "[$TEST_FILE] VIRTUAL_PORT=90 while port 80 is also exposed" {
prepare_web_container bats-web-${TEST_FILE}-2 "80 90" -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web.bats -e VIRTUAL_PORT=90
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-web-${TEST_FILE}-2
sleep 1
assert_response_is_from_port 90
@test "[$TEST_FILE] single exposed port != 80" {
prepare_web_container bats-web-${TEST_FILE}-3 1234 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=web.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-web-${TEST_FILE}-3
sleep 1
assert_response_is_from_port 1234
@test "[$TEST_FILE] stop all bats containers" {
# assert querying nginx-proxy provides a response from the expected port of the web container
# $1 port we are expecting an response from
function assert_response_is_from_port {
local -r port=$1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER /port --header "Host: web.bats"
assert_output "answer from port $port"

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pip:
pip install -r python-requirements.txt
If you don't want to run the test from your computer, you can run the tests from a docker container, see the _test.sh_ script.
If you don't want to run the test from your computer, you can run the tests from a docker container, see the _pytest.sh_ script.
# Images
@ -49,4 +49,4 @@ answer from port 80
This is an optional requirement which is usefull if you cannot (or don't want to) install pytest and its requirements on your computer. In this case, you can use the `nginx-proxy-tester` docker image to run the test suite from a Docker container.
To use this image, it is mandatory to run the container using the `test.sh` shell script. The script will build the image and run a container from it with the appropriate volumes and settings.
To use this image, it is mandatory to run the container using the `pytest.sh` shell script. The script will build the image and run a container from it with the appropriate volumes and settings.

View File

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ import os, sys
import http.server
import socketserver
class BatsHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
class Handler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
root = os.getcwd()
self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ class BatsHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
self.wfile.write("No route for this path!\n".encode())
if __name__ == '__main__':
PORT = int(sys.argv[1])
socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(('', PORT), BatsHandler)
httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(('', PORT), Handler)

View File

@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bats
load test_helpers
function setup {
# make sure to stop any web container before each test so we don't
# have any unexpected contaiener running with VIRTUAL_HOST or VIRUTAL_PORT set
stop_bats_containers web
@test "[$TEST_FILE] start a nginx-proxy container" {
run nginxproxy $SUT_CONTAINER -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro -v ${DIR}/lib/ssl:/etc/nginx/certs:ro
docker_wait_for_log $SUT_CONTAINER 9 "Watching docker events"
@test "[$TEST_FILE] test SSL for VIRTUAL_HOST=*.nginx-proxy.bats" {
prepare_web_container bats-ssl-hosts-1 "80" \
-e VIRTUAL_HOST=*.nginx-proxy.bats \
-e CERT_NAME=nginx-proxy.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-ssl-hosts-1
sleep 1
assert_301 test.nginx-proxy.bats
assert_200_https test.nginx-proxy.bats
@test "[$TEST_FILE] test HTTPS_METHOD=nohttp" {
prepare_web_container bats-ssl-hosts-2 "80" \
-e VIRTUAL_HOST=*.nginx-proxy.bats \
-e CERT_NAME=nginx-proxy.bats \
-e HTTPS_METHOD=nohttp
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-ssl-hosts-2
sleep 1
assert_503 test.nginx-proxy.bats
assert_200_https test.nginx-proxy.bats
@test "[$TEST_FILE] test HTTPS_METHOD=noredirect" {
prepare_web_container bats-ssl-hosts-3 "80" \
-e VIRTUAL_HOST=*.nginx-proxy.bats \
-e CERT_NAME=nginx-proxy.bats \
-e HTTPS_METHOD=noredirect
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-ssl-hosts-3
sleep 1
assert_200 test.nginx-proxy.bats
assert_200_https test.nginx-proxy.bats
@test "[$TEST_FILE] test SSL Strict-Transport-Security" {
prepare_web_container bats-ssl-hosts-4 "80" \
-e VIRTUAL_HOST=*.nginx-proxy.bats \
-e CERT_NAME=nginx-proxy.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-ssl-hosts-1
sleep 1
assert_301 test.nginx-proxy.bats
assert_200_https test.nginx-proxy.bats
assert_output -p "Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000"
@test "[$TEST_FILE] test HTTPS_METHOD=noredirect disables Strict-Transport-Security" {
prepare_web_container bats-ssl-hosts-5 "80" \
-e VIRTUAL_HOST=*.nginx-proxy.bats \
-e CERT_NAME=nginx-proxy.bats \
-e HTTPS_METHOD=noredirect
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-ssl-hosts-3
sleep 1
assert_200 test.nginx-proxy.bats
assert_200_https test.nginx-proxy.bats
refute_output -p "Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000"
@test "[$TEST_FILE] test HTTPS_METHOD=nohttps" {
prepare_web_container bats-ssl-hosts-6 "80" \
-e VIRTUAL_HOST=*.nginx-proxy.bats \
-e CERT_NAME=nginx-proxy.bats \
-e HTTPS_METHOD=nohttps
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-ssl-hosts-6
sleep 1
assert_down_https test.nginx-proxy.bats
assert_200 test.nginx-proxy.bats
@test "[$TEST_FILE] stop all bats containers" {
# assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header produces a `HTTP 200` response
# $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy
function assert_200 {
local -r host=$1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host"
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r'
# assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header produces a `HTTP 503` response
# $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy
function assert_503 {
local -r host=$1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host"
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable\r'
# assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header produces a `HTTP 503` response
# $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy
function assert_301 {
local -r host=$1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host"
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r'
# assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header fails because the host is down
# $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy
function assert_down_https {
local -r host=$1
run curl_container_https $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host"
# assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header produces a `HTTP 200` response
# $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy
function assert_200_https {
local -r host=$1
run curl_container_https $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host"
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r'
# assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header produces a `HTTP 503` response
# $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy
function assert_503_https {
local -r host=$1
run curl_container_https $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host"
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable\r'
# assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header produces a `HTTP 503` response
# $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy
function assert_301_https {
local -r host=$1
run curl_container_https $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host"
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r'

View File

@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
# Test if requirements are met
type docker &>/dev/null || ( echo "docker is not available"; exit 1 )
# set a few global variables
# load the Bats stdlib (see https://github.com/sstephenson/bats/pull/110)
DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
export BATS_LIB="${DIR}/lib/bats"
load "${BATS_LIB}/batslib.bash"
# load additional bats helpers
load ${DIR}/lib/helpers.bash
load ${DIR}/lib/docker_helpers.bash
# Define functions specific to our test suite
# run the SUT docker container
# and makes sure it remains started
# and displays the nginx-proxy start logs
# $1 container name
# $@ other options for the `docker run` command
function nginxproxy {
local -r container_name=$1
docker_clean $container_name \
&& docker run -d \
--label bats-type="nginx-proxy" \
--name $container_name \
"$@" \
&& wait_for_nginxproxy_container_to_start $container_name \
&& docker logs $container_name
# wait until the nginx-proxy container is ready to operate
# $1 container name
function wait_for_nginxproxy_container_to_start {
local -r container_name=$1
sleep .5s # give time to eventually fail to initialize
function is_running {
run docker_running_state $container_name
assert_output "true"
retry 3 1 is_running
# Send a HTTP request to container $1 for path $2 and
# Additional curl options can be passed as $@
# $1 container name
# $2 HTTP path to query
# $@ additional options to pass to the curl command
function curl_container {
local -r container=$1
local -r path=$2
shift 2
docker run --label bats-type="curl" appropriate/curl --silent \
--connect-timeout 5 \
--max-time 20 \
"$@" \
http://$(docker_ip $container)${path}
# Send a HTTPS request to container $1 for path $2 and
# Additional curl options can be passed as $@
# $1 container name
# $2 HTTPS path to query
# $@ additional options to pass to the curl command
function curl_container_https {
local -r container=$1
local -r path=$2
shift 2
docker run --label bats-type="curl" appropriate/curl --silent \
--connect-timeout 5 \
--max-time 20 \
--insecure \
"$@" \
https://$(docker_ip $container)${path}
# start a container running (one or multiple) webservers listening on given ports
# $1 container name
# $2 container port(s). If multiple ports, provide them as a string: "80 90" with a space as a separator
# $@ `docker run` additional options
function prepare_web_container {
local -r container_name=$1
local -r ports=$2
shift 2
local -r options="$@"
local expose_option=""
IFS=$' \t\n' # See https://github.com/sstephenson/bats/issues/89
for port in $ports; do
expose_option="${expose_option}--expose=$port "
( # used for debugging purpose. Will be display if test fails
echo "container_name: $container_name"
echo "ports: $ports"
echo "options: $options"
echo "expose_option: $expose_option"
docker_clean $container_name
# GIVEN a container exposing 1 webserver on ports 1234
run docker run -d \
--label bats-type="web" \
--name $container_name \
$expose_option \
-w /var/www/ \
-v $DIR/web_helpers:/var/www:ro \
$options \
-e PYTHON_PORTS="$ports" \
python:3 bash -c "
trap '[ \${#PIDS[@]} -gt 0 ] && kill -TERM \${PIDS[@]}' TERM
declare -a PIDS
for port in \$PYTHON_PORTS; do
echo starting a web server listening on port \$port;
./webserver.py \$port &
wait \${PIDS[@]}
trap - TERM
wait \${PIDS[@]}
# THEN querying directly port works
IFS=$' \t\n' # See https://github.com/sstephenson/bats/issues/89
for port in $ports; do
run retry 5 1s docker run --label bats-type="curl" appropriate/curl --silent --fail http://$(docker_ip $container_name):$port/port
assert_output "answer from port $port"
# stop all containers with the "bats-type" label (matching the optionally supplied value)
# $1 optional label value
function stop_bats_containers {
local -r value=$1
if [ -z "$value" ]; then
CIDS=( $(docker ps -q --filter "label=bats-type") )
CIDS=( $(docker ps -q --filter "label=bats-type=$value") )
if [ ${#CIDS[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
docker stop ${CIDS[@]} >&2
# wait for a docker-gen container to receive a specified event from a
# container with the specified ID/name
# $1 docker-gen container name
# $2 event
# $3 ID/name of container to receive event from
function dockergen_wait_for_event {
local -r container=$1
local -r event=$2
local -r other=$3
local -r did=$(docker_id "$other")
docker_wait_for_log "$container" 9 "Received event $event for container ${did:0:12}"

View File

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bats
load test_helpers
function setup {
# make sure to stop any web container before each test so we don't
# have any unexpected contaiener running with VIRTUAL_HOST or VIRUTAL_PORT set
stop_bats_containers web
@test "[$TEST_FILE] start a nginx-proxy container" {
run nginxproxy $SUT_CONTAINER -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro
docker_wait_for_log $SUT_CONTAINER 9 "Watching docker events"
@test "[$TEST_FILE] VIRTUAL_HOST=*.wildcard.bats" {
prepare_web_container bats-wildcard-hosts-1 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=*.wildcard.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-wildcard-hosts-1
sleep 1
assert_200 f00.wildcard.bats
assert_200 bar.wildcard.bats
assert_503 unexpected.host.bats
@test "[$TEST_FILE] VIRTUAL_HOST=wildcard.bats.*" {
prepare_web_container bats-wildcard-hosts-2 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=wildcard.bats.*
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-wildcard-hosts-2
sleep 1
assert_200 wildcard.bats.f00
assert_200 wildcard.bats.bar
assert_503 unexpected.host.bats
@test "[$TEST_FILE] VIRTUAL_HOST=~^foo\.bar\..*\.bats" {
prepare_web_container bats-wildcard-hosts-3 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=~^foo\.bar\..*\.bats
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-wildcard-hosts-3
sleep 1
assert_200 foo.bar.whatever.bats
assert_200 foo.bar.why.not.bats
assert_200 foo.bar.why.not.bats-to-infinity-and-beyond
assert_503 unexpected.host.bats
@test "[$TEST_FILE] VIRTUAL_HOST=~^foo\.bar\..*\.bats$" {
prepare_web_container bats-wildcard-hosts-4 80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=~^foo\.bar\..*\.bats$
dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-wildcard-hosts-4
sleep 1
assert_200 foo.bar.whatever.bats
assert_200 foo.bar.why.not.bats
assert_503 foo.bar.why.not.bats-to-infinity-and-beyond
assert_503 unexpected.host.bats
@test "[$TEST_FILE] stop all bats containers" {
# assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header produces a `HTTP 200` response
# $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy
function assert_200 {
local -r host=$1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host"
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r'
# assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header produces a `HTTP 503` response
# $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy
function assert_503 {
local -r host=$1
run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host"
assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable\r'

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
.PHONY : test-debian test-alpine test
test-debian: update-dependencies
docker build -t jwilder/nginx-proxy:test ..
test-alpine: update-dependencies
docker build -f ../Dockerfile.alpine -t jwilder/nginx-proxy:test ..
test: test-debian test-alpine

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@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
Nginx proxy test suite
Install requirements
You need [python 2.7](https://www.python.org/) and [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/) installed. Then run the commands:
pip install -r requirements/python-requirements.txt
If you can't install those requirements on your computer, you can alternatively use the _test.sh_ script which will run the tests from a Docker container which has those requirements.
Prepare the nginx-proxy test image
docker build -t jwilder/nginx-proxy:test ..
or if you want to test the alpine flavor:
docker build -t jwilder/nginx-proxy:test -f Dockerfile.alpine ..
make sure to tag that test image exactly `jwilder/nginx-proxy:test` or the test suite won't work.
Run the test suite
need more verbosity ?
pytest -s
Run one single test module
pytest test_nominal.py
Write a test module
This test suite uses [pytest](http://doc.pytest.org/en/latest/). The [conftest.py](conftest.py) file will be automatically loaded by pytest and will provide you with two useful pytest [fixtures](http://doc.pytest.org/en/latest/fixture.html#fixture):
- docker_compose
- nginxproxy
### docker_compose fixture
When using the `docker_compose` fixture in a test, pytest will try to find a yml file named after your test module filename. For instance, if your test module is `test_example.py`, then the `docker_compose` fixture will try to load a `test_example.yml` [docker compose file](https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/).
Once the docker compose file found, the fixture will remove all containers, run `docker-compose up`, and finally your test will be executed.
The fixture will run the _docker-compose_ command with the `-f` option to load the given compose file. So you can test your docker compose file syntax by running it yourself with:
docker-compose -f test_example.yml up -d
In the case you are running pytest from within a docker container, the `docker_compose` fixture will make sure the container running pytest is attached to all docker networks. That way, your test will be able to reach any of them.
In your tests, you can use the `docker_compose` variable to query and command the docker daemon as it provides you with a [client from the docker python module](https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/2.0.2/client.html#client-reference).
Also this fixture alters the way the python interpreter resolves domain names to IP addresses in the following ways:
Any domain name containing the substring `nginx-proxy` will resolve to the IP address of the container that was created from the `jwilder/nginx-proxy:test` image. So all the following domain names will resolve to the nginx-proxy container in tests:
- `nginx-proxy`
- `nginx-proxy.com`
- `www.nginx-proxy.com`
- `www.nginx-proxy.test`
- `www.nginx-proxy`
- `whatever.nginx-proxyooooooo`
- ...
Any domain name ending with `XXX.container.docker` will resolve to the IP address of the XXX container.
- `web1.container.docker` will resolve to the IP address of the `web1` container
- `f00.web1.container.docker` will resolve to the IP address of the `web1` container
- `anything.whatever.web2.container.docker` will resolve to the IP address of the `web2` container
Otherwise, domain names are resoved as usual using your system DNS resolver.
### nginxproxy fixture
The `nginxproxy` fixture will provide you with a replacement for the python [requests](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests/) module. This replacement will just repeat up to 30 times a requests if it receives the HTTP error 404 or 502. This error occurs when you try to send queries to nginx-proxy too early after the container creation.
Also this requests replacement is preconfigured to use the Certificate Authority root certificate [certs/ca-root.crt](certs/) to validate https connections.
Furthermore, the nginxproxy methods accept an additional keyword parameter: `ipv6` which forces requests made against containers to use the containers IPv6 address when set to `True`. If IPv6 is not supported by the system or docker, that particular test will be skipped.
def test_forwards_to_web1_ipv6(docker_compose, nginxproxy):
r = nginxproxy.get("http://web1.nginx-proxy.tld/port", ipv6=True)
assert r.status_code == 200
assert r.text == "answer from port 81\n"
### The web docker image
When you ran the `requirements/build.sh` script earlier, you built a [`web`](requirements/README.md) docker image which is convenient for running a small web server in a container. This image can produce containers that listens on multiple ports at the same time.
### Testing TLS
If you need to create server certificates, use the [`certs/create_server_certificate.sh`](certs/) script. Pytest will be able to validate any certificate issued from this script.

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys
import http.server
import socketserver
class BatsHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
root = os.getcwd()
self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
if self.path == "/headers":
elif self.path == "/port":
response = "answer from port %s\n" % PORT
self.wfile.write("No route for this path!\n".encode())
if __name__ == '__main__':
PORT = int(sys.argv[1])
socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(('', PORT), BatsHandler)