mirror of https://github.com/Ahp06/SUMO_Emissions.git synced 2025-02-20 14:08:13 +00:00

Fixed floating window with deque list

This commit is contained in:
Ahp06 2018-12-14 15:50:26 +01:00
parent da2a6e7c8d
commit 4519ce9d2c
3 changed files with 64 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -13,17 +13,22 @@ from model import Area, Vehicle
def compute_edge_weight(edge_id):
return (traci.edge.getCOEmission(edge_id)
+ traci.edge.getNOxEmission(edge_id)
+ traci.edge.getHCEmission(edge_id)
+ traci.edge.getPMxEmission(edge_id)
+ traci.edge.getCO2Emission(edge_id))/(traci.edge.getLaneNumber(edge_id))
def adjust_edges_weights():
for edge_id in traci.edge.getIDList():
co2 = traci.edge.getCO2Emission(edge_id)
co = traci.edge.getCOEmission(edge_id)
nox = traci.edge.getNOxEmission(edge_id)
hc = traci.edge.getHCEmission(edge_id)
pmx = traci.edge.getPMxEmission(edge_id)
return (co2 + co + nox + hc + pmx)/traci.edge.getLaneNumber(edge_id)
def adjust_edges_weights(area):
area.weight_adjusted = True
for lane in area._lanes:
edge_id = traci.lane.getEdgeID(lane.lane_id)
weight = compute_edge_weight(edge_id) # by default edges weight = length/mean speed
traci.edge.setEffort(edge_id, weight)
for veh_id in traci.vehicle.getIDList():
@ -31,7 +36,7 @@ def limit_speed_into_area(area: Area, vehicles: Iterable[Vehicle], speed_rf):
area.limited_speed = True
for lane in area._lanes:
traci.lane.setMaxSpeed(lane.lane_id, speed_rf * lane.initial_max_speed)
def modifyLogic(logic, rf): #rf for "reduction factor"
new_phases = []
for phase in logic._phases:

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from config import Config
from model import Area, Vehicle, Lane , TrafficLight , Phase , Logic
def init_grid(simulation_bounds, areas_number):
def init_grid(simulation_bounds, areas_number,window_size):
grid = list()
width = simulation_bounds[1][0] / areas_number
height = simulation_bounds[1][1] / areas_number
@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ def init_grid(simulation_bounds, areas_number):
# bounds coordinates for the area : (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
ar_bounds = ((i * width, j * height), (i * width, (j + 1) * height),
((i + 1) * width, (j + 1) * height), ((i + 1) * width, j * height))
area = Area(ar_bounds)
area.name = 'Area ({},{})'.format(i, j)
name = 'Area ({},{})'.format(i, j)
area = Area(ar_bounds, name, window_size)
traci.polygon.add(area.name, ar_bounds, (0, 255, 0))
traci.polygon.add(area.name, ar_bounds, (255, 0, 0))
return grid
@ -108,11 +108,14 @@ def get_emissions(grid: List[Area], vehicles: List[Vehicle], current_step, confi
logger.info(f'Action - {area.name} blocked')
traci.polygon.setColor(area.name, (255, 0, 0))
if config.weight_routing_mode and not area.weight_adjusted:
traci.polygon.setFilled(area.name, True)
traci.polygon.setFilled(area.name, False)
def run(config, logger):
@ -123,25 +126,23 @@ def run(config, logger):
logger.info('Loading data for the simulation')
start = time.perf_counter()
grid = init_grid(traci.simulation.getNetBoundary(), config.areas_number)
grid = init_grid(traci.simulation.getNetBoundary(), config.areas_number, config.window_size)
loading_time = round(time.perf_counter() - start, 2)
logger.info(f'Data loaded ({loading_time}s)')
logger.info('Start of the simulation')
logger.info('Simulation started...')
step = 0
while step < config.n_steps : # traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0:
vehicles = get_all_vehicles()
get_emissions(grid, vehicles, step, config, logger)
if config.weight_routing_mode:
step += 1
print(f'step = {step}/{config.n_steps}', end='\r')
simulation_time = round(time.perf_counter() - start, 2)
@ -158,33 +159,45 @@ def run(config, logger):
if not (ref is None):
diff_with_actions = (ref - total_emissions) / ref
logger.info(f'Reduction percentage of emissions = {diff_with_actions*100} %')
def add_options(parser):
parser.add_argument("-f", "--configfile", type=str, default='configs/default_config.json', required=False,
help='Choose your configuration file from your working directory')
parser.add_argument("-save", "--save", action="store_true",
help = 'Save the logs into the logs folder')
parser.add_argument("-steps", "--steps", type= int, default= 200, required = False,
help='Choose the simulated time (in seconds)')
parser.add_argument("-ref", "--ref", action="store_true",
help='Launch a reference simulation (without acting on areas)')
parser.add_argument("-gui", "--gui", action ="store_true",
help= "Set GUI mode")
def main(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--configfile", type=str, default='configs/default_config.json', required=False)
parser.add_argument("-save", "--save", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-ref", "--ref", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args(args)
# > py ./emissions.py -f configs/config1.json -save
# will load the configuration file "config1.json" and save logs into the logs directory
# > py ./emissions.py -f configs/config1.json -save -ref & py ./emissions.py -f configs/config1.json -save
# same as above but also launches a reference simulation by using -ref option
config = Config()
logger = config.init_logger(save_logs=args.save)
if args.ref:
config.without_actions_mode = True
logger.info(f'Reference simulation')
logger.info(f'Loaded configuration file : {args.configfile}')
if args.steps:
config.n_steps = args.steps
if args.gui:
config._SUMOCMD = "sumo-gui"
logger.info(f'Loaded configuration file : {args.configfile}')
logger.info(f'Simulated time : {args.steps}')
run(config, logger)
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
import collections
class Lane:
@ -45,13 +47,15 @@ class TrafficLight:
class Area:
def __init__(self, coords, name=''):
def __init__(self, coords, name, window_size):
self.limited_speed = False
self.locked = False
self.tls_adjusted = False
self.weight_adjusted = False
self.rectangle = Polygon(coords)
self.name = name
self.emissions_by_step = []
self.emissions_by_step = []
self.window = collections.deque(maxlen = window_size)
self._lanes: Set[Lane] = set()
self._tls: Set[TrafficLight] = set()
@ -83,11 +87,12 @@ class Area:
sum += emission
return sum
def sum_emissions_into_window(self, current_step, window_size):
def sum_emissions_into_window(self, current_step, window_size):
sum = 0
q = current_step // window_size #Returns the integral part of the quotient
for i in range(q*window_size, current_step):
sum += self.emissions_by_step[i]
for i in range(self.window.__len__()):
sum += self.window[i]
return sum