mirror of https://github.com/Ahp06/SUMO_Emissions.git synced 2025-02-20 14:08:13 +00:00

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This commit is contained in:
Thibaud Gasser 2018-12-16 21:43:21 +01:00
parent 2a4ce7f935
commit 61da2d7303
3 changed files with 138 additions and 129 deletions

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@ -11,27 +11,27 @@ import sys
from model import Emission
class Config:
class Config:
# Total of emissions of all pollutants in mg for n steps of simulation without acting on areas
# These constants are simulation dependant, you must change them according to your simulation
ref200 = Emission(co2=42816869.05436445,co=1128465.0343051048,nox=18389.648337283958,hc=6154.330914019103,pmx=885.0829265236318)
ref200 = Emission(co2=42816869.05436445, co=1128465.0343051048, nox=18389.648337283958, hc=6154.330914019103,
def __init__(self):
'''Default constructor'''
def import_config_file(self,config_file):
with open(config_file,'r') as f:
"""Default constructor"""
def import_config_file(self, config_file):
with open(config_file, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
self._SUMOCMD = data["_SUMOCMD"]
self._SUMOCFG = data["_SUMOCFG"]
self.areas_number = data["areas_number"]
self.emissions_threshold = data["emissions_threshold"]
self.n_steps = data["n_steps"]
self.window_size = data["window_size"]
self.without_actions_mode = data["without_actions_mode"]
self.limit_speed_mode = data["limit_speed_mode"]
self.speed_rf = data["speed_rf"]
@ -39,58 +39,59 @@ class Config:
self.trafficLights_duration_rf = data["trafficLights_duration_rf"]
self.weight_routing_mode = data["weight_routing_mode"]
self.lock_area_mode = data["lock_area_mode"]
def check_config(self):
#Weight routing mode cannot be combinated with other actions
# Weight routing mode cannot be combinated with other actions
if self.weight_routing_mode:
self.limit_speed_mode = False
self.adjust_traffic_light_mode = False
self.lock_area_mode = False
#If without_actions_mode is choosen
# If without_actions_mode is choosen
if self.without_actions_mode:
self.limit_speed_mode = False
self.adjust_traffic_light_mode = False
self.weight_routing_mode = False
self.lock_area_mode = False
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (str(f'grid : {self.areas_number}x{self.areas_number}\n')
+ str(f'step number = {self.n_steps}\n')
+ str(f'window size = {self.window_size}\n')
+ str(f'weight routing mode = {self.weight_routing_mode}\n')
+ str(f'lock area mode = {self.lock_area_mode}\n')
+ str(f'limit speed mode = {self.limit_speed_mode}, RF = {self.speed_rf*100}%\n')
+ str(f'adjust traffic light mode = {self.adjust_traffic_light_mode} , RF = {self.trafficLights_duration_rf*100}%\n'))
return (
f'grid : {self.areas_number}x{self.areas_number}\n'
f'step number = {self.n_steps}\n'
f'window size = {self.window_size}\n'
f'weight routing mode = {self.weight_routing_mode}\n'
f'lock area mode = {self.lock_area_mode}\n'
f'limit speed mode = {self.limit_speed_mode}, RF = {self.speed_rf * 100}%\n'
f'adjust traffic light mode = {self.adjust_traffic_light_mode},'
'RF = {self.trafficLights_duration_rf * 100}%\n'
def init_traci(self):
if 'SUMO_HOME' in os.environ:
tools = os.path.join(os.environ['SUMO_HOME'], 'tools')
sys.exit("please declare environment variable 'SUMO_HOME'")
sumo_binary = os.path.join(os.environ['SUMO_HOME'], 'bin', self._SUMOCMD)
self.sumo_cmd = [sumo_binary, "-c", self._SUMOCFG]
def init_logger(self, save_logs = False):
def init_logger(self, save_logs=False):
now = datetime.datetime.now()
current_date = now.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
if not os.path.exists('logs'):
log_filename = f'logs/sumo_logs_{current_date}.log'
logger = logging.getLogger("sumo_logger")
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
if save_logs :
if save_logs:
file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_filename)
@ -98,11 +99,9 @@ class Config:
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
return logger
def get_ref_emissions(self):
if self.n_steps == 200:
return self.ref200

View File

@ -1,26 +1,25 @@
import argparse
import csv
import datetime
import itertools
import os
import sys
import time
from traci import trafficlight
import traci
from typing import List
import datetime
import os
import traci
from parse import search
from shapely.geometry import LineString
import actions
from config import Config
from model import Area, Vehicle, Lane , TrafficLight , Phase , Logic, Emission
from model import Area, Vehicle, Lane, TrafficLight, Phase, Logic, Emission
# Absolute path of the directory the script is in
SCRIPTDIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
def init_grid(simulation_bounds, areas_number,window_size):
def init_grid(simulation_bounds, areas_number, window_size):
grid = list()
width = simulation_bounds[1][0] / areas_number
height = simulation_bounds[1][1] / areas_number
@ -47,14 +46,16 @@ def get_all_lanes() -> List[Lane]:
def parse_phase(phase_repr):
duration = search('duration: {:f}', phase_repr)
minDuration = search('minDuration: {:f}', phase_repr)
maxDuration = search('maxDuration: {:f}', phase_repr)
phaseDef = search('phaseDef: {}\n', phase_repr)
min_duration = search('min_duration: {:f}', phase_repr)
max_duration = search('max_duration: {:f}', phase_repr)
phase_def = search('phase_def: {}\n', phase_repr)
if phaseDef is None: phaseDef = ''
else : phaseDef = phaseDef[0]
if phase_def is None:
phase_def = ''
phase_def = phase_def[0]
return Phase(duration[0], minDuration[0], maxDuration[0], phaseDef)
return Phase(duration[0], min_duration[0], max_duration[0], phase_def)
def add_data_to_areas(areas: List[Area]):
@ -70,19 +71,19 @@ def add_data_to_areas(areas: List[Area]):
phases = []
for phase in traci.trafficlight.Logic.getPhases(l): # add phases to logics
logics.append(Logic(l, phases))
logics.append(Logic(l, phases))
area.add_tl(TrafficLight(tl_id, logics))
def compute_vehicle_emissions(veh_id):
co2 = traci.vehicle.getCO2Emission(veh_id)
co = traci.vehicle.getCOEmission(veh_id)
nox = traci.vehicle.getNOxEmission(veh_id)
hc = traci.vehicle.getHCEmission(veh_id)
pmx = traci.vehicle.getPMxEmission(veh_id)
return Emission(co2,co,nox,hc,pmx)
return Emission(co2, co, nox, hc, pmx)
def get_all_vehicles() -> List[Vehicle]:
vehicles = list()
@ -100,33 +101,35 @@ def get_emissions(grid: List[Area], vehicles: List[Vehicle], current_step, confi
for vehicle in vehicles:
if vehicle.pos in area:
total_emissions += vehicle.emissions
if area.sum_emissions_into_window(current_step, config.window_size) >= config.emissions_threshold:
if area.sum_emissions_into_window(current_step, config.window_size) >= config.emissions_threshold:
if config.limit_speed_mode and not area.limited_speed:
logger.info(f'Action - Decreased max speed into {area.name} by {config.speed_rf*100}%')
logger.info(f'Action - Decreased max speed into {area.name} by {config.speed_rf * 100}%')
actions.limit_speed_into_area(area, vehicles, config.speed_rf)
if config.adjust_traffic_light_mode and not area.tls_adjusted:
logger.info(f'Action - Decreased traffic lights duration by {config.trafficLights_duration_rf*100}%')
f'Action - Decreased traffic lights duration by {config.trafficLights_duration_rf * 100}%')
actions.adjust_traffic_light_phase_duration(area, config.trafficLights_duration_rf)
if config.lock_area_mode and not area.locked:
if actions.count_vehicles_in_area(area):
logger.info(f'Action - {area.name} blocked')
if config.weight_routing_mode and not area.weight_adjusted:
traci.polygon.setFilled(area.name, True)
traci.polygon.setFilled(area.name, False)
def get_reduction_percentage(ref,total):
def get_reduction_percentage(ref, total):
return (ref - total) / ref * 100
@ -154,89 +157,90 @@ def run(config, logger):
logger.info(f'Loaded simulation file : {config._SUMOCFG}')
logger.info('Loading data for the simulation')
start = time.perf_counter()
grid = init_grid(traci.simulation.getNetBoundary(), config.areas_number, config.window_size)
loading_time = round(time.perf_counter() - start, 2)
logger.info(f'Data loaded ({loading_time}s)')
logger.info('Simulation started...')
step = 0
while step < config.n_steps : # traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0:
step = 0
while step < config.n_steps: # traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0:
vehicles = get_all_vehicles()
get_emissions(grid, vehicles, step, config, logger)
step += 1
print(f'step = {step}/{config.n_steps}', end='\r')
export_data_to_csv(config, grid)
simulation_time = round(time.perf_counter() - start, 2)
logger.info(f'End of the simulation ({simulation_time}s)')
logger.info(f'Real-time factor : {config.n_steps/simulation_time}')
logger.info(f'Real-time factor : {config.n_steps / simulation_time}')
total_emissions = Emission()
for area in grid:
total_emissions += area.sum_all_emissions()
logger.info(f'Total emissions = {total_emissions.value()} mg')
if not config.without_actions_mode :
if not config.without_actions_mode:
ref = config.get_ref_emissions()
if not (ref is None):
global_diff = (ref.value() - total_emissions.value()) / ref.value()
logger.info(f'Global reduction percentage of emissions = {global_diff*100} %')
global_diff = (ref.value() - total_emissions.value()) / ref.value()
logger.info(f'Global reduction percentage of emissions = {global_diff * 100} %')
logger.info(f'-> CO2 emissions = {get_reduction_percentage(ref.co2, total_emissions.co2)} %')
logger.info(f'-> CO emissions = {get_reduction_percentage(ref.co, total_emissions.co)} %')
logger.info(f'-> Nox emissions = {get_reduction_percentage(ref.nox, total_emissions.nox)} %')
logger.info(f'-> HC emissions = {get_reduction_percentage(ref.hc, total_emissions.hc)} %')
logger.info(f'-> PMx emissions = {get_reduction_percentage(ref.pmx, total_emissions.pmx)} %')
logger.info(f'-> Nox emissions = {get_reduction_percentage(ref.nox, total_emissions.nox)} %')
logger.info(f'-> HC emissions = {get_reduction_percentage(ref.hc, total_emissions.hc)} %')
logger.info(f'-> PMx emissions = {get_reduction_percentage(ref.pmx, total_emissions.pmx)} %')
def add_options(parser):
parser.add_argument("-f", "--configfile", type=str, default='configs/default_config.json', required=False,
help='Choose your configuration file from your working directory')
parser.add_argument("-save", "--save", action="store_true",
help = 'Save the logs into the logs folder')
parser.add_argument("-steps", "--steps", type= int, default= 200, required = False,
help='Choose the simulated time (in seconds)')
parser.add_argument("-ref", "--ref", action="store_true",
parser.add_argument("-save", "--save", action="store_true",
help='Save the logs into the logs folder')
parser.add_argument("-steps", "--steps", type=int, default=200, required=False,
help='Choose the simulated time (in seconds)')
parser.add_argument("-ref", "--ref", action="store_true",
help='Launch a reference simulation (without acting on areas)')
parser.add_argument("-gui", "--gui", action ="store_true",
help= "Set GUI mode")
parser.add_argument("-gui", "--gui", action="store_true",
help="Set GUI mode")
def main(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="")
args = parser.parse_args(args)
config = Config()
logger = config.init_logger(save_logs=args.save)
if args.ref:
if args.ref:
config.without_actions_mode = True
logger.info(f'Reference simulation')
if args.steps:
config.n_steps = args.steps
if args.steps:
config.n_steps = args.steps
if args.gui:
config._SUMOCMD = "sumo-gui"
logger.info(f'Loaded configuration file : {args.configfile}')
logger.info(f'Simulated time : {args.steps}s')
run(config, logger)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import collections
from traci._trafficlight import Logic as SUMO_Logic
import collections
from typing import Tuple, Set
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
from traci._trafficlight import Logic as SUMO_Logic
class Lane:
@ -18,51 +18,56 @@ class Lane:
"""Overrides the default implementation"""
return hash(self.lane_id)
class Phase:
def __init__(self, duration: float, minDuration: float, maxDuration : float, phaseDef: str):
self.duration = duration
def __init__(self, duration: float, minDuration: float, maxDuration: float, phaseDef: str):
self.duration = duration
self.minDuration = minDuration
self.maxDuration = maxDuration
self.phaseDef = phaseDef
self.phaseDef = phaseDef
def __repr__(self) -> str:
repr = f'Phase(duration:{self.duration},minDuration:{self.minDuration},maxDuration:{self.maxDuration},phaseDef:{self.phaseDef})'
return str(repr)
class Logic:
def __init__(self, logic: SUMO_Logic, phases: Set[Phase]):
self._logic = logic
self._phases: Set[Phase] = phases
class TrafficLight:
class TrafficLight:
def __init__(self, tl_id: str, logics: Set[Logic]):
self.tl_id = tl_id
self.tl_id = tl_id
self._logics: Set[Logic] = logics
def __hash__(self):
"""Overrides the default implementation"""
return hash(self.tl_id)
class Emission:
def __init__(self, co2 = 0, co = 0 , nox = 0, hc = 0, pmx = 0):
def __init__(self, co2=0, co=0, nox=0, hc=0, pmx=0):
self.co2 = co2
self.co = co
self.nox = nox
self.hc = hc
self.pmx = pmx
def __add__(self,other):
return Emission(self.co2 + other.co2, self.co + other.co, self.nox + other.nox, self.hc + other.hc, self.pmx + other.pmx)
def __add__(self, other):
return Emission(self.co2 + other.co2, self.co + other.co, self.nox + other.nox, self.hc + other.hc,
self.pmx + other.pmx)
def value(self):
return self.co2 + self.co + self.nox + self.hc + self.pmx
def __repr__(self) -> str:
repr = f'Emission(co2={self.co2},co={self.co},nox={self.nox},hc={self.hc},pmx={self.pmx})'
return str(repr)
class Area:
def __init__(self, coords, name, window_size):
@ -73,9 +78,9 @@ class Area:
self.rectangle = Polygon(coords)
self.name = name
self.emissions_by_step = []
self.window = collections.deque(maxlen = window_size)
self.window = collections.deque(maxlen=window_size)
self._lanes: Set[Lane] = set()
self._tls: Set[TrafficLight] = set()
self._tls: Set[TrafficLight] = set()
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.rectangle.__eq__(other)
@ -92,23 +97,23 @@ class Area:
def add_lane(self, lane: Lane):
def add_tl(self, tl: TrafficLight):
def remove_lane(self, lane: Lane):
def sum_all_emissions(self):
sum = Emission()
for emission in self.emissions_by_step:
sum += emission
return sum
def sum_emissions_into_window(self, current_step, window_size):
return sum
def sum_emissions_into_window(self, current_step, window_size):
sum = 0
for i in range(self.window.__len__()):
sum += self.window[i]
@ -122,6 +127,7 @@ class Area:
(xmax, ymax),
(xmax, ymin)))
class Vehicle:
def __init__(self, veh_id: int, pos: Tuple[float, float]):