How to run
This application can be launched from an IDE, or from a shell (linux, Windows, MacOS).
You will need a config.json configuration file (see default_config.json for a template) and a simulation file.
You can use your own scenario file (osm.sumocfg file), see : SUMO Tutorials.
With a Shell:
usage: [-h] [-new_dump NEW_DUMP] [-areas AREAS]
[-simulation_dir SIMULATION_DIR] [-run RUN]
[-c config1 [config2 ...]] [-c_dir C_DIR] [-save] [-csv]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-new_dump NEW_DUMP, --new_dump NEW_DUMP
Load and create a new data dump with the configuration
file chosen
-areas AREAS, --areas AREAS
Will create a grid with "areas x areas" areas
-simulation_dir SIMULATION_DIR, --simulation_dir SIMULATION_DIR
Choose the simulation directory
-run RUN, --run RUN Run a simulation process with the dump chosen
-c config1 [config2 ...], --c config1 [config2 ...]
Choose your(s) configuration file(s) from your working
-c_dir C_DIR, --c_dir C_DIR
Choose a directory which contains your(s)
configuration file(s)
-save, --save Save the logs into the logs folder
-csv, --csv Export all data emissions into a CSV file
Create a data dump from simulation directory :
py ./ -new_dump dump -areas 10 -simulation_dir [PATH_TO_SIMUL_DIR]
This command will create new dump called "dump" from the simulation directory chosen with a 10x10 grid.
Run simulations in parallel with multiple configuration files :
py ./ -run dump -c [PATH_TO_CONFIG1] [PATH_TO_CONFIG2] -save -csv
This command will run a simulation dump "dump" with the configuration file(s) "config1" and "config2"
with CSV data export and logs backup.
From a folder which contains multiple configuration files :
py ./ -run dump -c_dir [PATH_TO_CONFIG_DIR] -save -csv